Two dry-block 500cid aluminum Hemi-style Brad Anderson engines, 87% nitromethane fuel, fuel injection, 4-wheel drive, 3-speed air shift transmissions, estimated 2,500 max horsepower per engine.
#1 Concours
World-class. Could compete in the world’s best Concours d'Elegance events.
August 12, 2018 SCTA AA/Fuel Streamliner 2-way record speed of 448.757 mph, the fastest piston powered wheel driven automobile in the world. Started by Mickey Thompson in 1968, tested at 400+ mph but rained out then shelved. Rebuilt, updated and completed by his son Danny. Comes with a custom fifth-wheel trailer for its 32 foot length but just 3 feet wide and 37 inches high. As-raced.
Market commentary
An artifact, not a vehicle, displaying remarkable specialized design, engineering and construction and conceived for a single purpose: to capture the wheel-driven reciprocating engine Land Speed Record, which it did. It's probably capable of going even faster with even more power but Danny Thompson reached his and his late father's goal and it'll move on to a museum somewhere. It should be displayed with some of its panels removed to display the engineering and execution, and the price it brought is a tribute to Mickey and Danny Thompson's legacy and vision. The video of the two record runs that was played on a loop at Kissimmee is worth watching again and again. For the record, 448.757 mph is 658.177 feet per second, half the muzzle velocity of a high velocity .22 long rifle bullet.