RHD. 523 cubic inch T head four, Dietz acetylene headlights and kerosene sidelights, Gray & Davis taillight, Badger acetylene generator, triple rear spares, Rushmore acetylene spotlight, folded bulb horn, eagle radiator mascot, Warner drum speedometer.
2007 AACA National First Prize An assembled car, built by Wolfgang Gawor in the image of the NY Paris Thomas Flyer Excellent paint and upholstery Brass shows a little age and some polish residue Running gear is little dirty A high quality older restoration with a few miles and years on it Harold Coker collection
Market commentary
Painted Battleship Grey, this Thomas is built like a battleship, too, with an immense engine and rugged chassis. It may not have been built this way, or even with these bits, but it is an epic automobile. The Hershey bidders appropriately parsed the difference between origins and enjoyment with this appropriate price.