How it works: Sellers

Auctions consignment process

Submit a car

Create an account, snap a few pictures, and answer some basic questions. Our team will get back to you in 1-2 business days to gather more information or let you know whether your car is a good fit for auctions.

Gather paperwork

To make sure we can provide post-sale support, there are a few things we need up front.

You’ll need to submit:

  • A digital copy of your ID
  • A digital copy of your title
  • A notarized power of attorney
  • A signed copy of your Hagerty Marketplace consignment contract

Create the listing

Our car specialists will work with you to get your vehicle ready to sell, including helping to craft its description and story. We’ll need plenty — 100 to 200 — of high-quality photos to give buyers a full view of the car. Check out our photo guide to get started. We’ll work together to set a reserve, if you choose, based on current market trends and pricing data from our valuation team. Rest assured, your listing will be prepped by industry veterans who know how to sell.

Now is also the time we’ll need to get a physical copy of the title to ensure a smooth and quick post-sale process.

Go live

Your listing will be live for 7 to 14 days. Pro-tip: check your listing and respond to comments daily; quickly responding to questions and comments on the listing increases engagement and visibility. You’ll be notified (by text and/or email) each time someone comments or bids on your listing.

Close the deal

All that prep work pays off when it’s time to close the deal. After you’ve signed the bill of sale, we’ll coordinate with the buyer to arrange the transfer of funds and offer recommendations for vehicle transportation. Once our team has received payment, we’ll send them the ownership documents.

Classifieds selling process

Create your listing

Posting a car for sale on classifieds is easy and intuitive with our listing guide. Simply follow the prompts for uploading important details — like high-quality photos, a detailed description and maintenance records — and you'll be selling in no time. Check out our photo guide, which includes tips and tricks for taking the best photos and presenting your car like a pro.

Let Hagerty help

Classified listings are featured in our email marketing, social media sites, newsletters and more. Once your vehicle is posted on classifieds, it'll be available to millions of car lovers. Get ready to shift into sales mode.

Start receiving offers

Your vehicle will be available on our platform for 60 days. All buyers are required to create an account with Hagerty and verify their email address before contacting you or submitting an offer. Be wary about any potential buyer who offers to buy your car sight unseen or without asking any questions. When an offer comes through, you can accept, counter or decline it directly on the website. Both you and the buyer will have an online record of the details.

Close the sale

After you accept an offer, you and the buyer will work together to make arrangements for the payment and vehicle transfer. Our FAQ below provides helpful resources for closing the deal and avoiding common online scams.

Frequently asked questions

Auctions questions

Classifieds questions