The Subaru EJ205 is proving to have its own roadblocks keeping smooth progress just out of Davin’s reach. It’s not that there isn’t work to do, it’s just that the next step in the process requires some outside help at the machine shop. In the meantime, the blue shell of a car is going to get some attention.

Did we call it a shell of a car? We meant to say hulk of a car. Rust never sleeps, and this chassis was a 24/7 party for the iron oxide. From front to back there is almost more that has disappeared than is left. Frankly the chassis is beyond saving, and thus this becomes a salvage mission for Davin. The goal now is to pull anything that has some value. That starts at the rear of the car with the rear axle and suspension before pivoting to the front in an effort to yank the wiring harness needed to make the engine run. After all, Davin will want to run the engine on a stand to break it in, and that will require having all the appropriate sensors talking to each other.

The pile of parts to save grows a bit, but in the end this car is so crunchy that there isn’t much to save. Even then it always makes sense to save as much as you can because pennies make dollars and project cars get expensive really fast if you aren’t careful. With all the bits that haven’t been attacked by the tinworm on the shop floor, it’s time for the body to become a soda can. The engine is not headed the same direction though, and be sure to subscribe to the Hagerty YouTube channel to never miss an update on the progress.

Kyle Smith

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