Jerry Seinfeld and Matthew Broderick channel vintage VW ads for Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee trailer

Rolling onto the black-and-white screen in his vintage Beetle, Jerry Seinfeld—accompanied by notable hookie player Matthew Broderick—is back for yet another trailer for the upcoming season of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.

Pitching the brevity and simplicity of the espresso-shot-sized show with a “Think Short” slogan, Seinfeld hits a home run with anyone who has fonds memories of VW’s irreverent “Think Small” campaign. Broderick and Seinfeld roll out a form of entertainment distilled to its basic components: cars, coffee, and comedians. What else do you need?

Confirming our suspicions earlier this month of what’s to come on Season 10 of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, which kicks off on Netflix on July 6, the trailer features such personalities as Alec Baldwin, Tracy Morgan, Jerry Lewis, Ellen Degeneres, Kate McKinnon, John Mulaney, Zach Galifianakis, Dave Chappelle, and more.

As for the rides, we can look forward to the Porsche 356C, Volkswagen Thing, Cadillac XLR, Alfa Romeo Giulia Super 1600, Meyers Manx, Jaguar E-type, Toyota FJ, Ferrari 512 TR, Ferrari 288GTO, Citroen SM, BMW 6 Series, and what looks like a BMW 600 supermini. It’s gonna be a good season, and while we are open to “Thinking Short,” we know that by the end of the episode run we’ll be wishing it was a lot longer.

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