Classic Car Acronyms Revisited

Car acronyms were a natural byproduct of the old school rivalries between diehard enthusiasts, which we outlined in our recent story, Classic Car Acronyms. Readers weighed in with their own suggestions (some of which, frankly, we’ve never heard before), and this time, no car fan is safe:

  • AMC: America’s Muscle Car; All Mistakes Combined; Another Major Catastrophe

  • BMW: Beautiful Mechanical Wonder; Brings Me Women; Big Money Waster; Broke My Wallet

  • Chevrolet: Cracked Head, Every Valve Rattles, Oil Leaks Every Time; Condition Hopeless, Every Vehicle Relies On Leftover Engineering Technology

  • Chrysler: Company Has Recommended You Start Learning Engine Repair

  • Dodge: Drips Oil Drips Grease Everywhere; Dead On Day Guarantee Expires; Dreams Of Dependability Gone Elsewhere

  • Edsel: Every Day Something Else Leaks

  • Everett-Metzger Flanders (EMF): Every Mechanical Failure

  • Fiat: Failed Italian Automotive Technology; Fling It Around Turns; Found In A Toilet

  • Ford: Fix Or Repair Daily; First On Race Day; Flip Over Read Directions; Finest Off Road Device; Favorite Of Race Drivers

  • GM: Great Mistake

  • GMC: Got Mechanic Coming; Garage Man’s Companion; Great Mountain Climber; General Maintenance Constantly

  • GTO: Gas, Tires and Oil

  • Jaguar: Junk Always Going Under At Repair Shop

  • Jeep: Just Empty Every Pocket; Just Enough Engine Power

  • Mazda: Mostly Always Zipping Dangerously Along

  • Mercedes: Many Expensive Repairs Can Eventually Discourage Extra Sales

  • MG: Mostly Garaged; Money Guzzler

  • MG-B: Might Go Backwards

  • MOPAR: Move Over, People Are Racing; My Old Pig Ain’t Running; Made Of Parts Already Ruined; More Parts And Repairs; Miscellaneous Odd Parts Assembled Recklessly; Massively Overpowered and Respected; More Overall Performance And Reliability

  • Oldsmobile: Old Ladies Driving Slowly Make Others Behind Infuriatingly Late Everyday

  • Plymouth: Please Leave Your Money Out Under The Hood

  • Pontiac: Poor Old Nerd Thinks It’s A Cadillac

  • SAAB: Send Another Automobile Back; Swedish Automobiles Always Breakdown

  • Triumph: Tried Repairing It Until My Parts Hurt

  • Volvo: Very Odd Looking Vehicular Object

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