TMZ: Jay Leno released from the hospital

Grossman Burn Center Jay Leno released
Grossman Burn Center L.A.

According to the TMZ website, comedian and car collector Jay Leno has been sent home from the Grossman Burn Center in Los Angeles where he was taken after being burned in a gasoline fire in his Burbank garage.

Leno was repairing a fuel line on his 1907 White steam car when gasoline, which is used to heat the car’s burner, splashed on his face and arm and then was ignited by a spark. A friend helped extinguish the flames, and Leno was taken to the hospital.

“The ex-late night host posed for a photo taken and posted by the Grossman Burn Center, where JL has been receiving treatment for the past nine days. In it, he seems to be in good spirits alongside the facility staff, but there’s noticeable scarring on his face and hands,” TMZ said. “In a statement, the burn center says Jay will receive follow-up care at their outpatient facility, this after receiving burns throughout his upper [body], including on his chest.”

Jay Leno's Garage white steam car burn released hospital
Believe it or not, Jay has owned multiple steam cars built by White. This is a 1908 model. Getty Images | Paul Drinkwater | NBCU Photo Bank

A statement released by Grossman said: “Jay would like to let everyone know how thankful he is for the care he received, and is very appreciative of all of the well wishes. He is looking forward to spending Thanksgiving with his family and friends and wishes everyone a wonderful holiday.”

Leno writes a column for Hagerty, and his colleagues here wish him a speedy recovery.

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    Best wishes to you and Mavis during your recovery. We fans are feeling great relief that it wasn’t worse. Get well soon.

    All us motor heads hate to see you injured man. Looks like your outer finish gained some patina in the last old car fracus. Love ya man.

    Dear Jay
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Looking forward to seeing you back in the cockpit.
    Love you & what you do in @ out of the garage.

    Jay you are the salt of the earth you are a good man and a good human being god bless you and your family I wish you a speedy recovery and get motoring again

    Was shocked when I heard the news. So glad you are recovering and in capable hands. Stay strong, stay positive and best wishes. And, your articles in Hagerty are phenomenal….you’re an awesome entertainer and role model for all of us gearheads.

    Jay – so glad to see you up and around after your horrible ordeal.
    My own bad experience that I know you can relate to is sitting with my father in late 1970 inside a Ford dealership and watching him order the 250 six Torino 4 door with the radio delete option. This saved $12. We owned that car for 25 years!
    OK so that pain isn’t really comparable to yours but maybe it gave you a smile.
    You deserve one after the million you gave us.

    So so happy to hear you will be ok. Please take care. You deserve a rest. I am sure you will be back at it soon enough. Thank you for all you do.

    glad youre ok got burnt once when 57 backed fired had gas on manifold big fire ball when open hood lost my eyebrows mustache all grew back ok …but scarey i was more concerned about my car then me ..ha so so glad youre ok and getting better…..god takes care of car guys too…

    Glad all is good, and you had a great Thanksgiving with your family. Keep up the great work at the garage and am looking forward in watching all your shows in the many years to come.

    My father received extensive burns in a gasoline fire and had to have skin grafts on both forearms. While there was some scarring, he had a great recovery and didn’t have lasting problems. I wish the same for Jay: the best possible recovery and outcome from the surgeries and treatments. Sounds like he’s doing pretty good, which makes millions of people happy for him! 👍

    Just a regular dude in Oregon that loves your passion for cars. Life does throw some change-ups. Hit this one out of the park!

    Jay sorry about the fire! I was on a VFD for 101/2 years Saw a lot of Bad things , one guy had his shirt drenched in gas , Used Halogen tanks to put fire out , We wrapped him in Nomex strips ,Like Gauze ,3 days later Hospital said the strips worked wonder,s cooled down skin to where it was like a Bad 2 * sun burn , He healed with very little scaring , When you get back to doing what you love to do Get CAR,S see if you can get some Nomex bandages to put in you,r first aid kit!!! Get well soon And have a wonderful Thanks given & Merry CHRISTmas! New Year is Debatable Settle on Last year you were doing Stand up ! Ha GOD Bless Brother

    Best wishes to Jay. Thank you for all the entertainment and joy you have given us over the years. As a fellow gearhead I enjoy your work and enthusiasm for the automotive world. Hope your recovery goes smoothly, Happy Thanksgiving

    Jay, we wish you a safe, and speedy recovery. All of us car guys wish you the best!

    Now, that said, and please no one hit me all at once, but Jay, if your chin wasn’t so big, the damage would have been greatly reduced!

    Everyone knows Jay’s chin is his trademark, right? Ok, again best wishes to him, and his family, and all those that have suffered serious burns. Unfortunately, there are too many. Thanks to the folks at Grossman Burn Center for their great work!

    We have a small shop where certain teenagers learn about cars, especially old ones. Everyone got quiet and somber and said, “Oh no, not Jay.” These youngsters look up to you and with good reason; I tell them to. We hope to be able to visit your garage when you are better. We’re praying for you and your family.
    Have a great Thanksgiving.

    May your Boiler have a “Full Head” and be ready to Go.
    Best wishes for a Speedy Recovery!!
    Get Well Soon

    At least/best you aren’t any uglier that before the fire. Always too bad your cars are more beautiful than you. Glad you are OK and the damage seems minimal. Good luck and prayers have a gret Thanksgiving.

    Heal well and speedily, Jay. Looking forward to your next show that might include that steamer you were working on when tragedy struck. We all would like to see those special classics, you and the car.

    Hey Jay sorry to hear about your accident. It takes a lot to keep us gear heads down. Hope your recovery goes well.

    Shows the value of having someone around when your working on cars . Glad to see your back at it. Have followed your career in all of your endeavors – keep on keeping on.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery Jay! Appreciate you and your awesome car collection. FYI, there’s a great skin cream for burns that will help you. It’s called Formula 2 Skin Care and you can get it at or on Amazon. I know a lot of people that have used it and swear by it for burns.

    Hey Jay,
    I was shocked to hear about the accident. I am so glad you are recovering so well. Get healed up and finish the White project and move on to the next.
    Glad you are doing well!

    You are in the best hands in the State of Ca. The Grossman Burn Center takes care of Firefighters burn injuries and they work miracles. I am hoping you heal soon and return to your passion.

    Jay – so sorry to learn of your burn accident but best wishes for a speedy recovery.Looking forward to your next Hagerty column which I always enjoy reading

    Jay I am glad to see you are making a speedy recovery. Tim Allen was right you were left with a bit of a George Clooney look but we will not hold it against you. LOL!

    Get home and heal up and you will be back at it in no time.

    The thing with burns is they are the pain you just don’t feel all at once. I once had second degree burns on my face and it did not all hit at once. It was worse than shingles.

    Take care and have a great holiday with the family.

    I remember back in the late sixties when you gave me a ride in your red Corvette to Newport I am so happy for your speedy recovery an your love for cars and Newport

    The temptation to make some darkly humorous remark is strong,, but I have too much respect for your dedication, persistence, and wisdom to do so. I will pray for a speedy bounce back and return to what you love and selflessly share with your simpatico pals. Looking forward to your next sharing.

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