Massive 25,000-car Hot Wheels collection up for sale

A for-sale post in a Hot Wheels Collector group on Facebook had many of our staff gossiping this week, as an enormous collection of more than 25,000 Hot Wheels cars was posted by Dawn Rose. Before you ask, no, you can’t go digging through to find that rare Bone Shaker variant that’s missing from your own collection, this one’s up for sale as a single lot.

According to a post in the Facebook thread listing the sale, the ballpark estimate for the price of the whole collection is $125,000. At first glance that seems like an “I know what I have” price. There are many actual, drivable cars that one could purchase with that kind of coin. However, once you consider the price of the displays, the time it took to assemble the collection, and the fact that many of the cars are not the one-dollar run-of-the-mill variety, it becomes apparent you’d spend a lot more trying to replicate a collection like this.

But isn’t the thrill of the hunt part of the appeal of Hot Wheels collecting?

With Hot Wheels’ HQ located in El Segundo, not far from the Petersen Automotive Museum, perhaps a museum display is in order. The museum did celebrate Hot Wheels with a lovely exhibit in the past, and it seems to us like a museum is one of the best places for a collection of this size. After all, who has space to properly display more than 25,000 Hot Wheels cars?

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    Hi, my name is Sandy. My roommate past away and left me totes and totes of Hot Wheels. I need some expert advice where and what to do, I’m lost for words, because there’s alot of them. Alot. I would really appreciate and thankful if you could very much help me.cThank you Sandy. Alot of Hot Wheels. Thank you once again.

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