Gymkhana 10 is Ken Block’s last, but it’s a hell of a send off

There are thousands, possibly millions, of entertaining automotive videos on the internet. But if you are into tire smoke like we are,  you’ve been chomping at the bit for the latest in the Gymkhana series from the one and only Ken Block. The short-film style videos put Block and his many crazy cars in situations that would make even a seasoned stuntperson pucker.

Gymkhana 10 represents for Block 10 years of making wild drifty videos. It became a viral sensation following a video called Gymkhana Testing and Practice that put a Subaru on an empty airfield, or what some would call an automotive playground. Block didn’t plan for viral fame, but the video took off overnight. The views piled up, leading to the creation of the Gymkhana series.

Watching the 10th installment of the series feels like the pinnacle of Blocks efforts, and that doesn’t seem to be by accident. The end of the video cast some suspicion over what’s to come, so we reached out to the Hoonigan camp and were told that the Gymkhana series might have run its course, but content with Block is not drying up anytime soon.

The video is 19 minutes long, filmed in locations across the globe in five different cars. Find the biggest screen you can and turn the volume up loud. It’s just straight engine and tire noise. Savor it.

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