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Canadian man is giving his rare Mercury to a lucky young gearhead
Playing with vintage cars is not cheap. The price of acquiring a good project has only been increasing over the years, leaving many younger enthusiasts on the outside looking in. This Canadian man wants to change that for at least one young person by giving them his 1967 Comet Cyclone GT.
That’s right. We found a video from Casey Putsch on YouTube in which he talks with a man named Mike, who wants to invest in the future of the hobby by giving his project to a deserving young person who will work on the car and learn from the experience.
The giveaway is pretty simple to enter, though how the recipient of the car will be selected is less clear. What Casey and Mike want from those interested is an email to with a brief introduction and description of what you would do with the car.
Mike points out this is an S-code Cyclone GT, which means it is equipped with a 390-cubic-inch V-8, along with disc brakes and a 9-inch rear axle. He doesn’t mention the current condition of the project, other than specifying that it is a project. Our #4-condition (Fair) value for a 390-equipped Cyclone GT is $11,100; depending on how intense of a “project” this car is, its value could fall slightly or well below that figure. From the conversation between Casey and Mike in the video, though, expect more conversations and details of the car in videos yet to come.
The reason Mike wants to give his car away is because he got his start in the car world in a similar manner. A teacher of his helped him during his school years and ended up selling him a project car for $50. That car sent Mike on a positive path of learning and growth that he feels is getting tough to retrace as car values continue to go up.
The deadline for entries is March 31, 2020, so if you are a millennial or know one who would like to enter, you should act fast. If you aren’t a young person and have a project around, consider this an option to help get young folks into classic cars. You don’t have to give a car away, but time behind the wheel or under the hood is easy to share. It is up to all of us to share the awesome vintage rides of which we are caretakers.