Oppose Federal “Cash for Clunkers” Program

The Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) sent Hagerty Plus the following Legislative Alert to share with our customers and agents immediately. If you have any questions regarding this alert, please call or email Rory Carroll, Hagerty Plus Legislative Resource Director at 877-922-9701, x8407 / Advocacy@hagerty.com or Steve McDonald, SEMA Vice President of Government Affairs at stevem@sema.com.

Oppose Federal “Cash for Clunkers” Program

Washington lawmakers are drafting a large economic stimulus package to help create jobs and rebuild infrastructure. They want to include a nationwide scrappage program which would give U.S. tax dollars to consumers who turn-in older cars to have them crushed, as a misguided attempt to spur new car sales. The lawmakers need to scrap this idea.

The stimulus package is being drafted right now. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) wants to introduce the bill on January 6 and have it approved by Congress by January 20, so that President Obama can sign it into law after he is inaugurated.

Contact House Speaker Nancy Pelosi IMMEDIATELY To Oppose Cash for Clunkers!

Call: 202/225-0100 or click here to send an electronic message: speaker.house.gov/contact

Talking Points

Oppose the Use of U.S. Taxpayer Dollars for Cash for Clunkers

  • I am [calling/writing] to urge lawmakers not to include a “Cash for Clunkers” provision in the economic stimulus bill. Owners who turn in vehicles for crushing would receive a “minimal” payment to purchase a new car. This is a misguided attempt to spur car sales and claim that the country’s air quality or fleet fuel mileage is being improved.
  • “Cash for Clunkers” programs threaten enthusiasts nationwide with the loss of valuable parts and parts-cars for repair, restoration, and customization projects. The programs also risk destroying classic, historic and special-interest vehicles, our American heritage.
  • Cars turned in for scrappage often barely run, or are rarely-driven second or third vehicles that have a minimal impact on overall fuel economy or emissions.
  • “Cash for Clunkers” programs will reduce the availability of affordable transportation and repair parts used by low-income drivers. It will also compete with the Salvation Army, the Purple Heart and other charities that rely on vehicle donations to raise money.
  • “Cash for Clunkers” ignores better policy options. If Congress wants to act, support for repair and upgrade is a better choice and a win-win for consumers, dealers, manufacturers and repair shops. Significant emissions and fuel economy improvements can be achieved in older vehicles through relatively simple and inexpensive means: repaired/replaced exhaust systems, tune-ups, etc.

We hope we can count on you to reject “Cash for Clunkers.” Thank you for your consideration on this very important matter.

Please send a quick note and/or a copy of your message to Speaker Pelosi to:
E-mail: briand@sema.org
Fax: 202/783-6024

If you are experiencing any difficulty in contacting your legislators, please contact Rory Carroll, Hagerty Plus Legislative Resource Director, at Advocacy@hagerty.com or 888-310-8020.

Please e-mail a copy of your letters to us at Advocacy@hagerty.com or fax: 231-932-6887.

Thank you for your commitment to the future of the collector vehicle hobby.

McKeel Hagerty

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