Losses and Lessons: Falling tree saddles sleeping Mustang

VEHICLE INVOLVED: 1989 Ford Mustang LX 5.0

WHAT WENT WRONG: If a tree falls on a Ford and no one is around to hear it, does it still make a sound? Take it from us, it does if it’s a classic. The owner of a 1989 Ford Mustang LX 5.0 moved his car from the garage to a temporary shelter while he used the space to work on another vehicle. During the night, high winds and rain pummeled the area, and he woke to find a huge tree branch had crashed on to the Mustang.

DAMAGE/LOSS: The car was a total loss. The roof was crushed, the windshield and side windows were shattered, and the doors and seats received significant damage.

LESSON: It’s important to store your classic in a sturdy structure, whether it’s a garage, barn or warehouse. Should you ever have to leave your car outside overnight, be sure to check your local weather forecast first and plan accordingly.

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