Answer of the Week: There is only one perfect date-night car

A car with an ejection seat is an interesting answer. The question, posed to our Facebook audience, was: “In honor of Valentine’s Day, what’s the perfect date-night car?”

Most replies came down to what people just happen to drive – with one possible exception (you can read about it below). Some answers tackled specific scenarios.

For instance, Ryan Mahoney hedged his bets. He posted a photo of an Aston Martin DB5 model based on James Bond’s car, equipped with an ejection seat and flip-top roof. His reply, “You know, in case the date doesn’t go well…” And if you’re like James Gussman, who shared a picture of the 1958 Plymouth Fury from Stephen King’s Christine, we can guarantee that your date will end in misery. But optimists matched pessimists.

“One with a big back seat,” Larry Longprong wrote. Referencing Meat Loaf’s song “Paradise by the Dashboard Light,” Peter Landman was thinking similarly when he replied, “… in any car (with dashboard lights).” Uncharacteristically, most folks played this question pretty straight.

Carlos Robert Guzman posted a photo of his Volkswagen minibus and wrote, “You can bring what you like. I’m taking her out in this!” Emile Robinson shared a photo of a clean ’67 Ford Mustang Convertible and let the pic speak for itself. But the only car mentioned more than once (besides the ’59 Cadillac that we displayed along with the question), was, as Tony Gaples wrote, “a tri-five Chevy.” Tim Ingram and Dave Joseph were more specific, calling out the ’57 Chevrolet Bel Air.

A very solid choice. Still, Frank Charles nailed it by reminding us, “It’s not about the car, it’s about her.” We couldn’t agree more.

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